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Wesley Schmidt CC'22


Award Recognition

Senior Marshal
Wesley Schmidt is a sociology major from Walton, KY who has dedicated his undergraduate career to paying forward the kindness shown to him by upperclassmen. He has welcomed incoming students for three years as a member of the New Student Orientation Program Committee, acting as Student Leader Coordinator for NSOP 2020. As a Committee for the Second Century of the Core member, he provided recommendations to enhance students' experiences in Core classes. He serves fellow seniors as a class representative on student council, and gives back to the comedy and performing arts communities as a senior editor of the Columbia Federalist and vice president of the Columbia Musical Theatre Society. He has acted in fourteen campus productions and continued the Varsity Show tradition as the writer of V127. He is thankful for the friends these opportunities have connected him to and hopes to inspire the same public spirit in others.
Thank you to the faculty (especially those in the sociology department), staff, and advisors who have helped me pave my way at Columbia, my family and friends for their support and guidance; Aaron, Naja, Marnie, Dean Kromm, and the rest of the undergraduate student life staff for giving me a platform from which to reach incoming students; and the Columbia Musical Theatre Society for helping me find a home on this campus.