Modified Academic Deadlines for Fall 2023 – Columbia Engineering

Dear Columbia Engineering Undergraduate Students,

In acknowledgment of the recent difficulties faced by students, and in consultation with the Engineering Student Council, the Dean’s Office and the School’s Committee on Instruction have approved the following academic accommodations for the fall 2023 semester:

  • Extend the SEAS drop deadline until the last day of classes, December 11, 2023.
  • Extend the deadline to Pass/Fail a non-technical elective at the 3000 level or above (maximum of one this semester and a maximum of two on the transcript) until the last day of classes, December 11, 2023.
  • By the last day of classes, students may choose to Pass/D/Fail one course this semester (in addition to the P/F for non-techs of 3000 level and above), but must uncover the grade by the end of the change of program period next semester (i.e. by January 26, 2024) if those points are to be applied to a major, minor, core, language or minimum 128-point requirements to graduate.

To exercise the P/D/F option this semester, please send an email to your Center for Student Advising advisor with the complete course information.

We hope that these accommodations will provide our students flexibility for dealing with the added stressors of this semester.

Please note that it is critically important that you understand the potential implications of choosing the P/D/F option on future plans that may require those points counting toward graduation requirements or other plans that may require a transcript, including internships, jobs, or post-graduation education. Additionally, given the sequential nature of the Columbia Engineering curricula, electing to P/D/F a course could have an impact on your success in future classes.

You are strongly encouraged to speak with advising deans in the Center for Student Advising before exercising this option or to your faculty advisor if the course under consideration could count toward your major. 

Success of your education is the highest priority for all of us. We appreciate the collaboration with ESC on such matters of importance and impact to our undergraduate student population.

Best wishes for a successful semester,

Shih-Fu Chang
Dean. Columbia Engineering

Barclay Morrison
Vice Dean for Undergraduate Programs. Columbia Engineering

James H. and Christine Turk Berick Center for Student Advising


403 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: (212) 854-6378

Fax: (212) 854-2458

9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

An Advisor of the Day is available by phone or in person Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.