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Stella Hayoung Park SEAS’24

Stella Hayoung Park SEAS’24

Award Recognition

Civic Responsibility
Senior Marshal
Stella Park is a graduating senior studying Biomedical Engineering. Stella has been a dedicated member of Columbia Engineering through her roles as a TA, undergraduate researcher, and student leader. She is the co-President of the Biomedical Engineering Society, where she aims to bring student engineers together and support career development. She is also the Vice President of the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, where she emphasizes community service and community building. Stella is a passionate TA for COMS4761 and COMS4762 and a volunteer tutor for local low-income students, with whom she has interacted for more than six years. Additionally, she serves as the Vice Chair of the Engineering Senior Fund and seeks to give back to Columbia Engineering through various means. Stella is a current student researcher at the Knowles Lab, where she investigates the isoform-specific functions of RNA-binding proteins with a computational and experimental approach.
I am thankful to everyone who has supported my journey through four years of college and shared lovely memories of Columbia with me. I could not have thrived as much as I have without the help of my mentors, friends, and most importantly, my family. I would like to extend the biggest thank you to my parents, who have always supported me from Korea.