Broadcast Manual

WKCR-FM NY Broadcast Manual

aka The Blue Book

Programmers are responsible for the entire contents of this manual.

First edition completed July 2003 by DOE Captain Rich Lipkin

2920 Broadway MC 2612
New York, NY 10027
Listener Line: (212) 854-9920
Office Line: (212) 854-9921


Greetings, comrade.

The Blue Book is WKCR's basic technical manual for programmers and interns. It contains instructions for basic station operations and compliance with FCC regulations. Sections include:

There is more equipment at WKCR than what is covered in this book. In addition, many topics in this book assume a passing familiarity with the subject material. This manual is not a comprehensive guide to all possible problems. This manual is intended to be combined with the DOE's training sessions to develop the basic techniques necessary to become a programmer. If you want to know how to do something not included in this book, ask someone.

WKCR's Temporary Antenna at 4 Times Square. Used from August-October 2003, before the completion of the Roof Project.